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Eingestellt: 24.05.22 | Besuche: 776

PhD candidate and Postdoctoral position (f/m/d)

Kontakt: Hamza Mechchate
Ort: 10178 Berlin
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 14.06.22

The mission of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) is medical translation: transferring biomedical research findings into novel approaches to personalized prediction, prevention, diagnostics and therapy and, conversely, using clinical observations to develop new research ideas. The aim is to deliver relevant medical benefits to patients and the population at large. The BIH is also committed to establishing a comprehensive translational ecosystem as translational research area at Charité – one that places emphasis on a system-wide understanding of health and disease and that promotes change in the biomedical research culture. The BIH is funded 90 percent by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and 10 percent by the State of Berlin. The two founding institutions, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), were independent member entities within the BIH until 2020. As of 2021, the BIH has been integrated into Charité as the so-called third pillar; the MDC is privileged partner of the BIH.


For the BIH we are looking for from

August / September 2022 limited for 3 years a


PhD candidate and Postdoctoral position (f/m/d)


We are seeking a motivated PhD candidate and/or post-doctoral researcher with a background in hematology and/or computational biology/data science to join the teams of Dr. Leif S. Ludwig and Prof. Dr. Frederik Damm, located at the Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) and the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany. The Ludwig lab is part of the Focus Area 'Single Cell Approaches for Personalized Medicine' and specializes in the development of single cell multi-omic technologies and their application in stem cell and leukemia research in hematology/oncology. The successful applicant(s) will work closely with an interdisciplinary and collaborative group, including clinicians and scientists across the BIMSB/MDC & BIH/Charité community, providing a range of opportunities to learn new skills. Local computational collaborators for the project include for example Dr. Laleh Haghverdi (BIMSB/MDC).

Your area of responsibility:

The general responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Isolation and processing of primary patient cells for single cell multi-omic sequencing
  • Processing, quality control and integrated analysis of the resulting multi-omics data (e.g., transcriptome, accessible chromatin, protein expression, somatic nuclear and mitochondrial mutations).
  • Work with members of the group and collaborators as well as independently with respect to experimental design, data analysis, visualization and interpretation as well as planning next steps.
  • Document progress, communicate and present analyses to group, institute members and collaborators verbally and in writing.
  • Identify cell types and cell programs among heterogeneous cell populations. Identify genomic features such as gene expression and mutational signatures characteristic of disease samples.
  • Relevant publications:,,,,
  • Location: and
  • Weblinks:,, and

Your profile:

We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate and/or postdoctoral researcher with a background and interest in hematology, single cell multi-omics and data science. The ideal candidate may have the following qualifications:

  • MSc (for the PhD position) or a PhD/MD or equivalent (for the postdoc position) in the life or natural sciences.
  • Research experience in the areas of single cell genomics and hematology, ideally related to clonal hematopoiesis and myelodysplastic syndromes.
  • Very good communications skills (lab and institute language is English) and desire to work with individuals of different backgrounds in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Self-motivation, organizational skills, and desire to lead and develop scientific projects.
  • Scientific curiosity, analytical thinking and interest in contributing to projects.
  • Keen interest in learning new skills, research techniques, data processing and analysis/interpretation of results.
  • Please send applications as a single pdf file, including cover letter (max. 2 pages) indicating past, current and future research interests, potential starting date, a curriculum vitae including publications, and 2-3 letters of recommendation. We are looking forward to hear from you!

We offer:

  • A varied job in a forward-looking research institute,
  • A temporary part-time PhD position (25,35 hours/week) and a temporary full-time PostDoc position (39 hours/week),
  • Remuneration up to E13 TVöD VKA-K: The grouping takes into consideration the qualifications and the personal circumstances of the candidate
  • Additional benefits customary in the public sector (including annual bonus, VBL),
  • 30 vacation days per year (with a five-day week) and up to 24 floating days per year.
  • Family - friendly, flexible working hours for better work-life balance

We live diversity!

BIH strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Applications from people with an immigrant background who meet the hiring requirements are expressly encouraged. Severely disabled applicants and those with equal status will be given preferential consideration in cases of equal suitability.

Please submit your application via the BIH Career portal until the 14.06.2022, quoting the reference number BIH-61.22. We are looking forward to hear from you!

You can find more information about BIH at

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Eingestellt: 15.10.17 | Erstellt: 01.07.17 | Besuche: 6390
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You must be very intelligent - the PhD delusion

You Must be Very Intelligent ist eine höchst unterhaltsame und ungewöhnlich enthüllende Erzählung über das Leben einer Doktorandin an einer modernen, erfolgreichen Universität. Das Buch, das die Autorin an ihre eigenen Erfahrungen angelehnt hat, ist sowohl witzig als auch kritisch gegenüber dem akademischen System im 21 Jahrhundert. Wenngleich das Buch für eine breite Leserschaft geschrieben wurde, sollte es eine Pflichtlektüre für die Entscheider in der Wissenschaftspolitik sowie für alle zukünftigen DoktorandInnen sein.

Als Karin ihre Promotion an einer hochrangigen Universität beginnt, sprudelt sie förmlich über vor Hoffnung und mutiger Entschlossenheit. Sie möchte zeigen, dass die dieses Privileg verdient. Schließlich weiß sie ja, dass nur die ungeheuer gebildeten und verblüffend intelligenten Leute jemals eine Professur erringen können... Sie weiß, dass Forscher Idealisten sind, die danach streben, das menschliche Wissen zu erweitern... Sie weiß, dass die Universität gleichsam die Vergötterung der zivilisierten Kultur ist... Sie weiß... sehr wenig...

Karin Bodewits. You Must Be Very Intelligent - The PhD Delusion. München. Springer International Publishing AG 2017
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Eingestellt: 14.08.14 | Erstellt: 01.08.14 | Besuche: 5578
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Globalization and Its Impacts on the Quality of PhD Education - Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide

This book, the second in the projected three-volume Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide series sponsored by the Center for Innovation in Graduate Education (CIRGE) at the University of Washington, invites readers to listen in as nearly thirty distinguished scholars and thought leaders confront urgent questions about doctoral education in a globalizing world:

  • How are research doctoral education and the research PhD degree evolving in different national contexts?
  • How do researchers in the early stage of their careers assess the value of doctoral education?
  • What are the challenges of using international demographic data from existing PhD programs to analyze trends in doctoral education?
  • What can happen when regional issues intersect with the need to evaluate doctoral education and ensure its quality?
  • Which quality-assurance model has been gaining favor in PhD education, and what challenges does it pose?
  • What accounts for conflict between national interests and international collaboration in doctoral education?
  • Is there empirical evidence of globalization’s impact on doctoral education and the labor market for PhD graduates?

This follow-up to Toward a Global PhD? (University of Washington Press, 2008), the first volume in the series, includes case studies illustrating global trends in the structure, function, and quality frameworks of doctoral education, and it develops a conceptual framework linking globalization to trends in doctoral education while showing the particular history that has led to the convergence of a number of practices in one or more countries.

Maresi Nerad, University of Washington, Seattle, USA and Barbara Evans (Eds.), University of British Columbia, Canada.

This series is co-published with the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College
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Eingestellt: 23.08.12 | Erstellt: 01.04.11 | Besuche: 4683
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The PhD system, policies and infrastructure of the Netherlands - A critical analysis

Following the logic of the Bologna structure, the PhD system – or doctorate training – is considered as the third cycle in of the Dutch higher education system, like it is in most European countries. This means that PhD training is following after the initial bachelor and the master phase. This makes the PhD the highest degree that can be obtained in Dutch higher education.

Quelle: Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)
Eingestellt: 20.08.08 | Erstellt: 01.12.07 | Besuche: 3824
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Doctoral Studies in Romania. Admission Procedures, Social and Legal Aspects of Doctoral Training

In Romania, a PhD can expect to earn 15% more than her fellows without this kind of qualification if she decides to work in a public sector institution. This and more can be learned in Mircea Miclea’s presentation. He gives a short overview of doctoral training in the new EU member state. To this end, he explains the legal and social conditions of PhDs in Romania. Moreover, he briefly sketches the admission procedures usually employed.

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    166.09 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Eingestellt: 14.08.08 | Erstellt: 14.08.08 | Besuche: 3443
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Graduate Education in the UK Illustrated from Experience at Imperial College

Inter- and multidisciplinarity is a key feature of postgraduate training at the Imperial College in London. In addition, the importance of regular and intensive skills training has been accentuated since the decision to establish a Graduate School at Imperial College in 1992. In this presentation, Bernie Morley gives an overview of the School’s mission, its governance principles as well as its recruitment and quality assurance mechanisms. Moreover, he introduces the team of lecturers that is responsible for the students’ education.

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    762 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
Eingestellt: 12.08.08 | Erstellt: 01.11.06 | Besuche: 4392
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The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Biology and Neurosciences at the University of Göttingen

Whatever you would like to know about the doctoral education at the The International Max Planck Research School, Erwin Neher and Steffen Burkhardt will be able to tell you. At the HRK conference on doctoral training in Europe and North America they presented the School’s twin PhD programmes in molecular biology and neurosciences. Not only do they present the School’s mission goals, governance structures and its network of collaboration institutions; also, they explain the curricula of the PhD programmes and list a number of funding opportunities for students. An interesting add-on are the statistics they provide about student applications, application-admission ratios as well as career pathways of former students.

HRK conference: Form Follows Function - Comparing Doctoral Training in Europe and North America
Eingestellt: 12.08.08 | Erstellt: 20.06.06 | Besuche: 7721
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Doktorandenausbildung in Deutschland im Spiegel internationaler Erfahrungen: Qualitätssicherung - nationale und europäische Aspekte

Promotionsabschlüsse werden nicht an jedermann verliehen. Bevor man einen Titel führen darf, muss man eine lange Liste von Qualifikationen beherrschen. Diese Liste der Qualifikationen zu kontrollieren, kritisch zu überdenken und gegebenenfalls zu reformieren ist eine der Aufgaben der Zentralen Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover (ZEvA). Als ihr Vertreter auf der HRK-Tagung im Juni 2006 erläuterte Hermann Reuke die Rolle der ZEvA in der Qualitätssicherung der Doktorandenausbildung in Deutschland. Dabei ging er nicht nur auf die beachtliche Liste von Anforderung, die ein Doktorand in Deutschland erfüllen muss, sondern stellte auch eine modellhafte Studienstruktur für ein Doktorat vor.

  HRK-Tagung, 19.20. Juni 2006, Bonn
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    67.32 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
Eingestellt: 08.08.08 | Erstellt: 10.11.06 | Besuche: 7513
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Doctoral Education and the Workings of Canadian Graduate Schools: A Differentiated Tier within Canadian Universities Facing the Challenges of Tension-Driven Functions

The expectations graduate schools have to lift up to are high. In order to be successful in the long run, they have to combine basic units’ entrepreneurship with the promotion of excellence in research and continuous quality control at the same time. In this presentation, Louis Maheu introduces into the world of Canadian graduate schools. To this end, he gives a short overview of Canadian PhD Education and explains the principles, governance arrangements as well as the challenges faced by Canadian graduate schools.

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    135.12 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
Eingestellt: 07.08.08 | Erstellt: 31.10.06 | Besuche: 5847
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Doctoral Training at the FMI

The Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) is commonly referred to as one of the most prestigious institutes in the field of biomedical and pharmaceutical research. In this presentation, Susan Gasser outlines the mission and the operating principles of the institute. Moreover, she gives a brief insight into the history of the institute. However, the main purpose of her contribution is to present the international PhD programme offered by FMI. Details are provided about the programme outline, application process, admission and selection requirements as well as support services on the ground.

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    221.25 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
