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Eingestellt: 14.11.22 | Besuche: 601

Referent*in für Modellstudiengang Master Rechtswissenschaft

Kontakt: Dr. Anja Soltau
Ort: 21335 Lüneburg
Web:… Bewerbungsfrist: 27.11.22

Sie gestalten gerne Veränderungsprozesse aktiv mit? Sie sind gerne an unterschiedlichen Schnittstellen der Universität unterwegs und gut darin, verschiedene Sichtweisen und Arbeitskulturen auszutarieren und zu neuen Lösungen zu führen? Sie haben Ihr fachliches Zuhause in den Rechtswissenschaften? Dann freuen wir uns sehr darauf, Sie näher kennen zu lernen! Bis Ende November sind Bewerbungen möglich, um als Programm-Manager*in die Weiterentwicklung des Modellstudiengangs Master Rechtswissenschaft an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg mitzugestalten.

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Eingestellt: 18.02.20 | Besuche: 1143

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE): Executive Director (m/f/d)

Kontakt: Nitsan Chorev (2019-2020 President of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE))
Ort: 50676 Köln
Web:… Bewerbungsfrist: 15.03.20

The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) is a nonprofit

association of scholars working within and across the disciplines of economics,

sociology, law, comparative political economy, management and organization

theory, anthropology, and business and economic history. The association,

which is over 30 years old and has over 1,000 members, attracts scholars from

around the world. Our journal, Socio-Economic Review, is among the top-rated

journals in multiple fields. The mission of SASE is to advance the understanding

of economy and society across a broad range of academic disciplines.


SASE is looking to appoint an Executive Director (m/f/d).


The Executive Director is responsible for carrying out the policies defined by

SASE’s Executive Council, for day-to-day management of the association and

for the organization of SASE’s annual and regional conferences. Duties are

described in the SASE bylaws ( and are carried out by

the Executive Director with support of additional SASE staff. Main duties


• Working closely with SASE elected officers and committees

• Administering SASE annual and regional meetings

• Responsibility over financial matters, including:

· collecting membership, conference and other dues

· maintaining membership, financial and other records

· monitoring and managing the budget in a responsible manner

• Developing membership enhancement strategies

• Maintaining SASE’s historical records

• Serving as secretary to the Executive Council

• Maintaining and developing SASE as an intellectual community

• Fundraising

• Hiring and supervising SASE staff


Eligibility: We seek an enthusiastic, proactive and intellectually-engaged

person with excellent communication and organizational skills, with the

following qualifications:

• Experience in administration, preferably in a scientific or educational


• University degree, preferably post-graduate degree in a discipline related


• An excellent knowledge of English and good knowledge of German,

both written and spoken

• Managerial competence and motivation

• Social and communication skills for interaction with large membership


SASE offers the successful candidate:

• a 50% position (19.5 hrs./week). Salary will be in accordance with the

regulations of the German public sector wage agreement, paygroup

TvöD 13. The exact salary depends on personal qualification and

experience level. Social security contributions will be covered in line

with German law.

• Flexible hours

• A varied, diverse job

• An office space located at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of

Societies / Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung

(, centrally located in Cologne.

The successful candidate is expected to reside in the Cologne area.


Starting date: 1 August 2020

Length of contract: 2 years, renewable upon approval of the SASE Executive



Please send your application documents in English as a single PDF-file to:

The closing date for applications is 15 March 2020.

In your application, please include:

• Cover letter, which includes a summary of your experience

• Curriculum vitae (including relevance administrative and academic


• Certificates of former employment

• Contact information of two (2) possible referees

For questions please contact:

To learn more about SASE please check our website:


SASE is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are encouraged

to apply.

Eingestellt: 08.05.09 | Erstellt: 01.06.06 | Besuche: 6626
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The extent and impact of higher education curriculum reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.

The major objective of this report was to gain more insight into curriculum reform developments at the level of five selected study areas – so far under‐researched – to evaluate progress made and to try to discover »what works«. The five study areas were medicine, law, engineering, teacher training and history.

The general objective was translated into four research questions: What is the general national picture regarding curricular reform, notably with respect to the five study areas and what evidence is available on their impact? What is the state of the art of reform in the five study areas at the level of the higher education institutions? What are – according to respondents at the level of the programmes in the five study areas – the impacts of the reforms? What are references of good performance in terms of the impacts? To answer these questions, the research team used three interrelated tools. First, national reports were written by (national) correspondents to paint a picture of curriculum reform in the five study areas within their national contexts. Second, a questionnaire was developed and sent around to deans and directors of studies in the five areas of study to gather their views and perceptions of the reform. Third, for each of the five areas of study – based on the available information – a case of a good or interesting practice was selected.
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    772.26 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
Eingestellt: 21.11.08 | Erstellt: 07.07.06 | Besuche: 4259
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Transnational European Evaluation Project II (TEEP II) - Methodological Report

The Transnational European Evaluation Project II (TEEP II) was a detailed follow-up to the first Transnational European Pilot Project I (TEEP I) coordinated by ENQA in 2002-2003. TEEP II was a European-wide transnational quality evaluation scheme which aspired to identify means and common elements for quality assurance in the Joint Masters Programmes in three subject areas (water magement, cultural and communication studies, law and economics).

The three subject-specific reports can be accessed here: Water management (EuroAquae)(pdf), Cultural and Communication Studies (CoMundus)(pdf), Law and Economics (EMLE)(pdf).
Eingestellt: 07.08.08 | Erstellt: 30.06.06 | Besuche: 4542
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Marketing mit Preis-/Leistungsargumenten: Das Beispiel Bucerius Law School

Die Bucerius Law School ist die einzige staatlich anerkannte private Hochschule für Rechtswissenschaft in Deutschland. Für ein Studium an dieser Einrichtung sind Studiengebühren fällig, die über dem bundesdeutschen Durchschnitt liegen. Wie Klaus Weber in dieser Präsentation erklärt, vermarktet die Bucerius Law School Studiengebühren als »private Investition in die eigene Zukunft«. Weber verschafft einem Einblick in die Gründungsgeschichte, aktuelle Organisation und Finanzierung der Hochschule und stellt die Vorteile des Studiums an der Institution dar.

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    464.42 KB | 27.05.14 ( )