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30th Anniversary Conference - CHEPS
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Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands
Maarja Beerkens-Soo gives an overview about the Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands in terms of different indicators like "labour market success", "time spent on study related activities" and "motivation".
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145.94 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Short Cycle Higher Education: An International Review
Talk about so called “short cycle” higher education (SCHE) is not new. Already in the 1970s it was discussed as a way to diversify higher education systems in the face of booming participation. Today, the issue is still at the forefront of policy debates in many countries, not last because of the more international uniformity resulting from the Bologna agreements. The article of Leon Cremonini gives an international review about Short Cycle Higher Education.
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231.97 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Selective admission in higher education: risks and limiting conditions
This memorandum of Leon Cremonini, Wim van Niekerk and Hans Vossensteyn lists the pros and cons of selection. On the basis of these arguments, it considers the conditions under which the risks of selection can be obviated or reduced as far as possible, as the case may be.
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177.25 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Student Selection: An International Overview
In this short paper Leon Cremonini will look into how student selection is administered in four countries. The aim of the document is to give an idea of issues surrounding the selection of students for higher education and how they may relate to access. Two European countries were chosen - Germany and the United Kingdom - as well as the United States and Australia.
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217.96 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Higher education issues and trends from an international perspective
The question about the optimal structure of the higher education system is anything but new. For the last 50 years there has been a search for the right mix of the equivalence and diversity in the system. On the one hand, higher education institutions should offer equivalent academic standards; at the same time, there is a need for diversity among higher education institutions due to different expectations of students and other stakeholders, institutional profiles and capacities. In this article Maarja Beerkens-Soo and Hans Vossensteyn deal with Higher education issues and trends from an international perspective.
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320.66 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Issues in higher education policy 2005. An update on higher education policy issues in 2005 in 10 Western countries
Higher education systems increasingly are open to influence from outside the system. Describing higher education systems in a highly dynamic context therefore requires a regular updating of the information presented. The annual CHEPS International Higher Education Monitor (IHEM) update report provides insights into the latest developments in the higher education infrastructure , higher education finance, governance and quality assurance in the countries that the IHEM covers. In the first and main part of the report, the issues most pertinent in public debates and policies are identified and discussed. Information is collected from written und electronic sources as well as through consultation of national experts. The second part of the report is a comparative analysis. In this part, the issues are identified that are common in a number of national systems or even in most systems. Although no additional country information is presented in this section, the comparative analysis also builds on insights obtained from relevant CHEPS research projects. The cross-national presentation of issues in some cases thus can cast a different light on the national issues.
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3.02 MB | 27.05.14 ( )
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CHEPS – International Higher Education Monitor. Trend report. Lining up higher education Trends in selected higher education statistics in ten Western countries
Welche Trends lassen sich im Hochschulwesen sowohl auf internationaler (d. h. auf außereuropäischer) als auch auf europäischer Ebene identifizieren? Die vorliegende Publikation greift diese Frage auf, indem sie statistische Angaben über zentrale Entwicklungen in zehn ausgewählten Ländern (Australien, Deutschland, Flandern, Finnland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Österreich, Portugal, Vereinigtes Königreich, Schweden) zur Verfügung stellt.
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508.1 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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