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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) require students’ commitment and engagement to earn the completion, certified or passing status. This study presents a conceptual Learning Analytics Activity-Motivation framework that looks into increasing students’ activity in MOOCs. The proposed framework followed an empirical data analysis from MOOC variables using different case studies. The results of this analysis show that students who are more active within the offered environment are more likely to complete MOOCs. The framework strongly relies on a direct gamified feedback that seeks driving students’ inner motivation of competency.
Ein Beitrag von Dr. Martin Ebner und Mohammad Khalil
Lesen Sie hier das Editorial des Themenheftes: Learning Analytics: Implications for Higher Education
Quellen:Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.12 / Nr.1 (März 2017)
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1704_WIMO_Driving Student Motivation in MOOCs_KHALIL_EBNER.pdf
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Editorial: Seamless Learning - Lernen überall und jederzeit
Dr. habil Martin EbnerEditorial: Videos in der (Hochschul-)Lehre
Dr. habil Martin EbnerDriving Student Motivation in MOOCs through a Conceptual Activity-...
Dr. habil Martin Ebner