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Eingestellt: 25.01.19 | Besuche: 1011

Technical University of Munich, Chair of Biological Imaging - Scientific writer

Kontakt: Dr. Barbara Schroeder, email:, tel.: +49 89 3187 4180
Ort: 81675 Munich
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 17.03.19

Scientific writer (f/m/diverse)

The Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) at the Technical University of Munich and the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Munich, Germany, are an integrated, multi-disciplinary research structure and form the cornerstone of a rapidly expanding bioengineering ecosystem in Munich; including the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus and the Research Center TranslaTUM, which integrate bioengineering with metabolic disorders and oncology, respectively. IBMI scientists develop next-generation imaging and sensing methods to measure previously inaccessible properties of living systems, hence, catalyzing breakthroughs in biology and medicine. Comprising 11 inter-disciplinary laboratories and scientists from more than 25 countries, IBMI offers state-of-the-art infrastructure for innovative research and a perfect environment to accelerate your career.

Join our team and be part of our rich and dynamic research culture of enquiry and innovation. CBI researchers come from the top ranks of physics, chemistry, engineering, and biomedicine and attract significant investment from national and international sources. Our scientists serve in international societies and conferences and are recipients of a multitude of top international and German awards, including the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz prize and several ERC awards. In addition to scientific excellence, CBI promotes entrepreneurship, company spin-off activities, and collaborations with other top academic institutions and leading corporations in the photonics, pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors.

To support our fundraising activities and our publication efforts, we now seek a highly qualified and motivated scientific writer (f/m/diverse). This position will be integral to the IBMI fundraising strategy and publication pipeline and will work closely with the Chair Director and the IBMI Head of Fundraising & Communication as part of the CBI science management team.

The mission:

The CBI science management team provides comprehensive administrative support to our scientists, giving them room to focus their full creative potential on developing the imaging techniques of tomorrow.

The scientific writer will specifically:

  • Lead applications for third-party funding from national and international funding agencies
  • Support developing, authoring, and compiling grant proposals together with IBMI scientists
  • Lead the manuscript writing workflow and oversee implementation of writing guidelines according to our institute standards
  • Compile and revise manuscripts for CBI scientists based on their scientific input and provide assistance in preparing figures, schematics and working models
  • Assist submission of grant proposals and manuscripts
  • Support project management activities, including compilation of scientific reports
  • Work at the interface between IBMI scientists and the central administrations of HMGU and TUM, external partners and national and international funding agencies
  • Support CBI/ IBMI public relations and marketing activities
  • Proof-read scientific texts with regard to the various target audiences

Your profile:

The successful applicant must have the following:

  • High motivation, scientific curiosity, initiative, and commitment to excellence
  • PhD degree in Electrical engineering, Physics, Optics, Medical Technology, Biomedical computing, or Natural sciences
  • Extensive experience in independent writing of texts for scientific audiences, including proposals for competitive funding and peer-reviewed publications as well as the general public
  • Excellent ability to analyze and present complex research projects to various audiences
  • Excellent command of English and German, both written and spoken
  • Independent, flexible, and solution-oriented working style
  • Strong organizational and management skills
  • Commitment to quickly familiarize with new, interdisciplinary research projects
  • Collaborative spirit and ability to work on a highly international and interdisciplinary team
  • Solid IT skills (MS Office, Photoshop etc.)

Our offer:

CBI we strongly believe that outstanding science needs outstanding science management and for this we rely on a strong team of experienced science managers. This is your opportunity to be part of and to advance your career in a novel, quickly expanding vocational field at the intersection of science and administration. CBI provides a highly international, multi-disciplinary environment offering excellent opportunities for professional growth. We support career development, continuing education and teaching and training opportunities.

Situated in the foothills of the Alps, Munich is consistently ranked as one of the most liveable cities in the world, with an exceptionally high quality of life. Greater Munich is also home to several world-class universities and research institutes, creating a vibrant intellectual atmosphere.

The successful applicant will initially have a 2-year contract, with the possibility of extension. Salary will be commensurate with work experience and seniority (TV-L E13). As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications.

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Eingestellt: 18.01.18 | Besuche: 3124

Science Manager (f/m) - Enabling Technologies

Kontakt: Helmholtz Zentrum München German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH) Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI)
Ort: 85764 Neuherberg
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 28.02.18

Are you passionate about science, enjoy working in an international, fast-paced environment and possess relevant managerial skills that drive change? Are you motivated by the societal impact of science and seek an opportunity to play an instrumental part in the development of emerging technologies for biology and healthcare? Then the Enabling Technologies Center (EnTech) at the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (HMGU) in Munich, Germany is the ideal environment for you!

HMGU is a central hub in the Munich science area promoting innovative approaches to understand, prevent, diagnose and treat major health challenges of our time. EnTech bundles the expertise of six different research institutes and two Core Facilities within the "Genes and Environment in Common Diseases“(GEnCoDe) program of the Helmholtz association. EnTech aims to shift the paradigm of biological discovery and translation to extinct major health problems such as Diabetes, Lung diseases and Allergy.

Scientifically, EnTech (a) integrates structural and chemical biology, drug discovery, pharmacology and advanced data-integration at the molecular level; (b) develops sensing and imaging tools for innovative imaging platforms which facilitate intelligent deposition of biological and clinical information at the cellular and system level and (c) uses novel computing and modeling algorithms for advanced information processing and data analytics promising unprecedented biological and biomedical insights. Entech’s pipeline already yielded high-impact papers, successful technology spin-offs and commercialization. Our research is regularly featured in major news channels and received broad recognition including several prestigious awards and considerable research funding from national and international sources.

To accelerate EnTech collaboration and propel Enabling Technologies to the next level, we now seek a highly qualified and motivated Enabling Technologies Manager (f/m). The successful candidate will work closely with the topic director Prof. Ntziachristos, heads of EnTech partner institutes and the executive management at the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen.

The Mission:

The Enabling Technologies Manager will conceptualize and implement activities that enhance EnTech productivity and impact. S/he will offer comprehensive administrative support at the interface of the participating institutions and govern EnTech-driven interdisciplinary projects. The offered position is crucial to free the EnTech scientific leadership from science administrative duties. With an exceptional level of responsibility and focus on efficient managerial processes, the Enabling Technologies Manager works seamlessly with the expert scientists and, hence, serves as token for the future success and societal impact of EnTech.

Job description.

  • Topic- management, -structuring and coordination.
  • Communication expert, with a proactive approach to external/internal communication and PR.
  • Responsible for reporting, technology- and knowledge transfer.
  • Spearhead third party fundraising and topic recruitments.
  • International conference organization at globally competitive level.


  • Outstanding leaderships skills, work ethic and intrinsic motivation.
  • University degree in natural sciences or engineering, preferably with a Ph.D.
  • Additional business education/degree is a plus.
  • Impeccable judgment and high personal/professional integrity.
  • Excellent science development and science management acumen.
  • Team player who thrives within multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Great networking ability and communication skill.
  • Experience rapidly changing and challenging environments.
  • Fluent in English & German.
  • Outstanding (and proven) scientific writing and presentation skills.
  • Strong self-management skills.
  • Able to motivate and inspire colleagues.

Our offer:

We offer you the unique chance to make a difference in future healthcare. At HMGU, we strongly believe that outstanding science needs outstanding science management. We therefore recognize the value of experienced science managers. This is your opportunity to advance your career as part of a rapidly expanding vocational field at the intersection of science and administration. EnTech provides a highly international, multi-disciplinary environment with excellent opportunities for professional growth. This is a leadership position at the center of a dynamic, professional and highly motivated team within a stimulating environment. We support career development, continued education and life-long learning.

Situated on the foothills of the Alps, Munich is consistently ranked as one of the most vibrant and enjoyable cities in the world, with an exceptionally quality of life. Greater Munich is also home to several world-class universities and research institutes, creating a truly inspiring intellectual atmosphere.

The successful applicant will initially have a 2-year contract, with the possibility of extension. We offer a competitive salary and benefits depending on work experience and seniority in accordance with the public service wage agreement of the Federal Republic of Germany (TV EntgO Bund EG 13). The Helmholtz Zentrum München, as holder of the Bavarian Advancement of Women Prize and of the Total E-Quality Certificate, is striving to increase the overall proportion of women on its staff and, thus, expressly urges qualified women to apply. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications.

Your application:

We are looking forward to receiving your comprehensive online application, preferably in English.

For any questions please contact:

Dr. Barbara Schroeder


tel.: +49 89 3187 4180

Helmholtz Zentrum München
German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH)
Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI)
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1
85764 Neuherberg, Germany

Eingetragen: 18.11.17 | Besuche: 7258

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

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Eingestellt: 26.04.13 | Erstellt: 15.04.13 | Besuche: 12192
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