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Eingestellt: 23.12.13 | Besuche: 4489
The aim of this paper is to integrate different debates about knowledge transfer, knowledge management, e-learning, and organizational learning into one framework. With the help of this framework we explain the impact of different styles of learning and their individual as well as their organizational outcomes, which are supported by technical enablers. We will answer the following two research questions: What are the individual and organizational outcomes of knowledge transfer supported by e-learning and knowledge management? Which directions of knowledge transfer are supported by e-learning and knowledge management?
Quellen:Novices prefer rule-based learning that can be best supported by e-learning technologies. This only leads to replication of routines in organizations. Experts are able to provide knowledge, e.g. by the help of knowledge management systems. At the level of organizational outcomes this could lead to innovations. However, technologies can only enable opportunities where people can provide and obtain knowledge, but employees or members of organizations have to achieve the individual and organizational outcome.Ein pdf des Artikels kann unter angefordert werden.
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