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This is the third and final report of a multi-year research project on the development of a European classification of higher education institutions funded by the European Commission. The first report Institutional Profiles (van Vught Bartelse et al. 2005) was published in August 2005 and included a set of principles for designing a European higher education classification as well as a first draft of the components of such a classification. The second report Mapping Diversity (van Vught Kaiser et al. 2008) was published in October 2008 and reported on the extensive testing of the draft classification and the changes made in a revised second draft. This final report contains a firm proposal for a multidimensional and user-driven European classification of higher education institutions and an organisational model for its implementation.
Quellen:Quelle: Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) siehe auch: U-Map: A University Profiling Tool 2011 Update Report
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1.75 MB | 27.05.14 ( )
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