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Eingestellt: 04.09.08 | Erstellt:
26.04.07 | Besuche: 4184
Eurostudent III is a transnational survey with high policy relevance. Its three main goals can be summarised as follows: to deliver comparable key data and basic information in order to describe and map the socio-economic living conditions of students in Europe; to identify obstacles to an inclusive and effective European Higher Education Area (EHEA) via international comparisons; to provide a structured and standardised monitoring system with which the effects of structural changes can be identified for specific groups of students. This presentation gives an overview of the data collected and indicators constructed in the context of the survey. Moreover, the organisational structure of the Eurostudent network is presented.
Quellen:22nd SGIB Meeting, Hannover, 26-27 April 2007
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255.19 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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