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Eingestellt: 12.03.14 | Erstellt:
14.02.14 | Besuche: 7712
Mentoring programmes have been accused of inadequately addressing organisations' gendered cultures. In reaction to this, mentoring approaches started applying a dual focus, i. e. targetting both individual development and organisational change. This paper explores - through the lens of the 'bifocal approach' - whether and how two Swiss academic mentoring programmes for female advanced doctoral students and early postdoctoral scholars have adopted a a dual focus. The paper shows that the programmes have developed strategies adopting this approach to a certain extent and discusses the challenges and opportunities experienced.
Quellen:Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.9 / Nr.1 (Februar 2014) Zum Editorial sowie weiteren Artikeln dieser Ausgabe gelangen Sie hier
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Adopting a 'bifocal approach' in Swiss academic mentoring...
Dr. Julia Grünenfelder