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Eingestellt: 06.11.12 | Erstellt: 15.06.12 | Besuche: 5030
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How Innovative Are Spin-Offs at Later Stages of Development? Comparing Innovativeness of Established Research Spin-Offs and Otherwise Created Firms

The literature argues that research spin-offs (RSOs)—enterprises originating from a university or research institute—appear to have higher innovative potential and capabilities than other start-ups, at least in the early stages of their development. Yet, little is known about the innovative performance of these companies at later development phases. Thus, the main goal of this study is to investigate whether there are any differences in R&D and innovation behavior between established and/or mature RSOs and otherwise created firms and, if so, to what extent they are driven by networking and cooperation activities as suggested by some scholars. To this end, we employ probit regression analysis and a matching approach using survey data on more than 6,000 East German firms, among which are 179 RSOs. An article by Anna Lejpras.

Erschienen in: DIW Diskussionspapiere/ Discussion Papers 1237