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Eingestellt: 07.05.09 | Erstellt: 29.05.05 | Besuche: 4916
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Institutional Profiles: towards a typology of higher education institutions in europe

In November 2004, a team of researchers conceived a research project that aimed to explore the value of designing a typology of higher education institutions in Europe. The starting point was the assumption that the strength of the European higher education system lies in the diversity of its institutions. We argue that a better understanding of the various types of institutions, their different missions, characteristics and provisions, will support mobility, inter-institutional cooperation and the recognitions of degrees in Europe – hence the international competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education. The creation of a typology of higher education institutions is a promising instrument towards enhancing this understanding. It should reveal the institutional profiles of Europe’s rich higher education landscape while respecting the diversities and characteristics of its institutions.

The overall aim of this research projects is to develop a proposal for a typology of higher education institutions in Europe. This aim includes the following objectives: To assess the need for a typology of higher education institutions. To carry out a study on theory and practice of classifying institutions. To develop a conceptual model upon which a typology of higher education institutions can be developed. To propose an appropriate set of criteria for a typology of higher education institutions. To propose recommendations fort he implementation of a typology of higher education institutions in Europe.  
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