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Eingestellt: 11.04.12 | Erstellt:
15.06.11 | Besuche: 6481
This article describes the specific approach of the University of Warwick – one of UK’s most dynamic and progressive universities – to generate income. This includes a broad field of knowledge transfer activities and long-term relationships with big companies, commercial operations like Warwick Science Park, retail outlets, conference business and internet job business, as well as public-private-partnerships and philanthropic giving. It concludes that constantly identifying and growing new sources of income seems to be a vital role of the modern university which may also be the only way to keep independence.
Quellen:Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 33. Jahrgang, 2/2011
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66.6 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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Income diversification at the University of Warwick
Prof. Nigel Thrift