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Eingestellt: 08.01.09 | Besuche: 3420
(= Aca Papers on International Cooperation in Education) | ISBN 978-3-932306-89-1
2008, Paperback, 96 pages, 24,80 Euro
International students have long favoured Anglophone countries as study destinations. And it goes without saying that the role of English as the lingua franca has been instrumental in attracting foreign students. In the last years of the past century, continental European higher education institutions started to teach in the English language, too, seeking to overcome their linguistic drawback. In 2002, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) produced the first ever overview and analysis of the phenomenon. The study, published in the ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education, found that English-medium tuition in continental Europe was still a ‘marginal phenomenon’ then − even though the offer was expanding by the day. How has the situation developed since? The present book provides the answer to this question. Drawing a detailed European map of English-medium tuition in 27 European countries, it is essential reading for anyone interested in curricular internationalisation – and not least for those from English-speaking countries challenged by Europe’s Englishtaught provision. (Beitrag aus: Wissenschaftsmanagement. Zeitschrift für Innovation, 2008/3)
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