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Eingestellt: 07.05.09 | Erstellt:
01.03.09 | Besuche: 2092
This report is a product of an ENQA Workshop »Assessing educational quality: Knowledge production and the role of experts« hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) in Oslo in February, 2008. The workshop gathered representatives from higher education institutions and agencies to exchange and discuss experiences on the process of external reviews and on the role of the review experts in that process.
Quellen:(Gro Hanne Aas, Berit Askling, Karl Dittrich, Wenche Froestad, Peder Haug, Kirsten Hofgaard Lycke, Sirpa Moitus, Riitta Pyykkö, Anne Karine Sørskår)
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938.85 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
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