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Eingestellt: 18.10.17 | Besuche: 2649

Internationalisation of the Curricula: Working in International and Joint Classrooms

Veranstalter: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Ort: 37073 Göttingen
Start: 09.11.17
Ende: 09.11.17

On the occasion of Göttingen International's 70th anniversary and the celebration "Crossing Boundaries and Spreading the Göttingen Spirit since 1947 - 70 Years Göttingen International", we invite you to join us for an exchange of ideas and good practices on the internationalisation of the curricula across the disciplines.

This Expert Workshop will devote particular attention to the role and challenges of international classrooms, both on our local campus and in shared virtual spaces, and to exploring transfer opportunities.

Distinguished scholars and practitioners from the field, among them em. Prof. Elspeth Jones (Leeds Beckett University) and Dr. Jos Beelen (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), and em. Prof. Betty Leask (La Trobe University), will share their expertise in plenary sessions. Highly interactive workshop sessions will provide a hands-on approach to curriculum (re)design as well as questions of inclusion and diversity.


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