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Mitglied seit: 07.01.19

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Schulz

Associate Professor

Adresse: Åbogade 34, 8200 Aarhus, Dänemark
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I am an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University in Denmark. I received my doctorate degree in 2010 from the University of Rostock, Germany and have since worked there in various capacities with a number of intermittent research stays at TU Graz, University of Calgary, and Fraunhofer IGD. In 2018, I moved to Aarhus where I work in the fields of Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.

My research focuses on novel methods for the visual analysis of structured data — in particular hierarchically and network-structured data, but also data that is organized by spatio-temporal relations or similarity. In collaboration with industrial and academic research partners, I currently apply my methods predominantly to data analysis challenges in the life sciences and geosciences.

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