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Tag: "agencies"
7 Inhalte
von Nathalie Lugano | 26.11.08
Quality Procedures in European Higher Education

A survey on quality assurance procedures in Europe

von Nathalie Lugano | 19.11.08
Quality Procedures in the European Higher Education Area and Beyond - Second ENQA Survey

The present publication is the result of an ENQA survey on quality procedures of quality assurance agencies across Europe and beyond. This report updates the findings of the first ENQA survey on Quality Procedures in European Higher Education,...

von Nathalie Lugano | 10.01.13
Quality Procedures in the European Higher Education Area and Beyond – Visions for the future. Third ENQA Survey

The publication by Josep Grifoll, Achim Hopbach, Helka Kekäläinen, Nathalie Lugano, Christina Rozsnyai and Todor Shopov is the result of the third ENQA survey on quality procedures of quality assurance agencies across Europe and beyond. This...

von Nathalie Lugano | 14.07.09
Report on the Evaluation of the Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany (German Accreditation Council) April 2008

Im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses hat sich im deutschen Hochschulsystem, wie auch in den anderen Bologna-Ländern, das Instrument der Akkreditierung etabliert. Jedoch befindet sich das junge deutsche Akkreditierungssystem in der Übergangsphase...

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Report to the London conference of ministers on a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies

Bologna Process ministers of higher education welcomed in 2005 the principle of a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies. They asked ENQA in cooperation with EUA, EURASHE and ESIB (E4 Group) to develop the practical aspects of the...

von Nathalie Lugano | 10.12.08
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

This report has been drafted by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), through its members, in consultation and co-operation with the EUA, ESIB and EURASHE and in discussion with various relevant networks. It...

von Nathalie Lugano | 21.11.08
Student involvement in the processes of quality assurance agencies

The present report is a product of the »ENQA workshop on student involvement in the processes of quality assurance agencies« hosted by the ENQA member agency ANECA in Madrid in October 2006. It includes four articles submitted by the presenters...