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Tag: "Higher"
48 Inhalte
von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
Perspectives on Higher Education and the labour market - Review of international policy developments

In the context of the development of the Strategic Agenda Higher Education and Research 2011, the Dutch Ministry requested CHEPS to explore international policy trends regarding the relationship between higher education and the labour market....

von Anett Löscher | 17.07.12
Qualitätssicherung in Großbritannien durch die Quality Assurance Agency – Ein Überblick

Die Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) prüft, ob und wie britische Universitäten, university colleges und further education colleges die akademischen Standards ihrer Bildungsangebote wahren und sichern, und wie sie die Qualität...

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Quality Convergence Study. A contribution to the debates on quality and convergence in the European Higher Education Area

The Quality Convergence Study (QCS) project, a follow-up to a 2002 ENQA survey of quality assurance practices in European countries, was carried out between September 2003 and October 2004. The objective of the QCS project was to study the...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands

Maarja Beerkens-Soo gives an overview about the Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands in terms of different indicators like "labour market success", "time spent on study related activities" and "motivation".

von Nathalie Lugano | 26.11.08
Quality Procedures in European Higher Education

A survey on quality assurance procedures in Europe

von Prof. Dr. Ellen Hazelkorn | 17.05.13
Reflections on a Decade of Global Rankings: What we’ve learned and outstanding issues

Ten years after the first global rankings appeared, it is clear that they have had an extraordinary impact on higher education. While there are fundamental questions about whether rankings measure either quality or what’s meaningful, they have...

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Report to the London conference of ministers on a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies

Bologna Process ministers of higher education welcomed in 2005 the principle of a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies. They asked ENQA in cooperation with EUA, EURASHE and ESIB (E4 Group) to develop the practical aspects of the...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
Selective admission in higher education: risks and limiting conditions

This memorandum of Leon Cremonini, Wim van Niekerk and Hans Vossensteyn lists the pros and cons of selection. On the basis of these arguments, it considers the conditions under which the risks of selection can be obviated or reduced as far as...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
Short Cycle Higher Education: An International Review

Talk about so called “short cycle” higher education (SCHE) is not new. Already in the 1970s it was discussed as a way to diversify higher education systems in the face of booming participation. Today, the issue is still at the forefront of policy...

von Barbara Michalk | 18.07.08
Standards und Leitlinien für die Qualitätssicherung im Europäischen Hochschulraum

Dieser Bericht ist die Antwort der European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) auf das Doppelmandat, das sich aus dem Berliner Kommuniqué der Ministerinnen und Minister der Bologna-Unterzeichnerstaaten ergeben hat: Ein »...
