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Tag: "Higher"
48 Inhalte
von Tia Loukkola | 14.03.14
European Quality Assurance from a policy perspective: where did we come from, where are we heading?

The article presents some key developments in quality assurance (QA) on a European level over the last ten years. Particular attention is paid to discussing the impact of European QA policies (e.g. the European Standards & Guidelines) at the...

von Nathalie Lugano | 13.08.09
European Standards and Guidelines in a Nordic Perspective

This report presents the results of the joint 2005–06 project of the Nordic Quality Assurance Network in Higher Education (NOQA). The project focused on the Europeanstandards and guidelines for quality assurance agencies, examining them in a...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 12.05.09
GATS and the steering capacity of a nation state in higher education: Case studies of the Czech Republic and the Netherlands

This paper looks at the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as an important part of the international trade law system and explores if and how it affects the steering capacity of a nation state regarding higher education. It offers a...

von Prof. Dr. Barbara Kehm | 19.05.14
Global University Rankings — Impacts and Unintended Side Effects

This article begins with a critical assessment of the impacts of rankings on the European and national landscapes of higher education and analyses their unintended side effects on organisational behaviour of universities. It makes an attempt to...

von Prof. Dr. Frank Ziegele | 07.02.14
Higher Education Funding: Mechanisms in Germany

Within a decade a paradigm shift in the funding of German universities has taken place: autonomy, competition and performance criteria now take center stage. Steering efforts of governments shifted from regulatory interventions to financial...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 16.02.10
Higher Education Governance Reforms Across Europe

Nowhere today higher education is undergoing more substantial change than in Europe. Higher education institutions have become more important than ever to national economies, both as a significant branch of economy and as a source of trained and...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 01.08.09
Higher education in France

Das Zusammenwachsen des europäischen Hochschulraums ist gekennzeichnet von einer Integration hetereogener, nationalstaatlicher Bildungs- und Hochschulsysteme. Folglich wird es für die Entscheidungsträger aus Wissenschaft und Politik wichtiger,...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 14.08.09
Higher education in Portugal

Infolge des Bologna-Prozesses ist der europäische Hochschulraum in einem grundlegenden Wandel begriffen, der die Grundarchitekturen der nationalen Hochschulsysteme verändert. Folglich wird es für die Entscheidungsträger aus Wissenschaft und...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 30.07.09
Higher education in Sweden

Der Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsraum Europas ist gekennzeichnet durch die Koexistenz hetereogener, nationalstaatlicher Systeme, die im Zuge des europäischen Integrationsprozesses stärker aneinander gekoppelt werden. Folglich wird es für die...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 31.07.09
Higher education in the Netherlands

Der europäische Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Hochschulraum ist gekennzeichnet durch die Koexistenz hetereogener, nationalstaatlicher Hochschulsysteme, die im Zuge des europäischen Integrationsprozesses stärker aneinander gekoppelt werden. Folglich...
