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Tag: "future"
3 Inhalte
von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kreckel | 07.08.08
Current and Future Trends in Higher Education - Summary

What will higher education look like in the future? What changes are higher education systems undergoing currently? In this study, Peer Pasternack et al provide a set of answers. To begin with, they depict changes in the external environments of...

von Sabine Ganter-Richter | 07.01.13
Kurswechsel: Auslandsstudium attraktiver gestalten. Eine Zusammenfassung von Sabine Ganter-Richter

Studenten und Professoren aus dem Ausland für die japanischen Hochschulen zu gewinnen – das war die Strategie für die Internationalisierungsbemühungen der vergangenen Jahre. Nun geht es in die andere Richtung: Neue Initiativen und Programme...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 07.05.09
The European Higher Education and Research Landscape 2020: Scenarios and Strategic Debates

Today, universities and other higher education providers are key to the development of the knowledge-based society in Europe. They produce, teach and transfer knowledge; they perform most of Europe’s fundamental research and employ one-third of...