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Eingestellt: 12.01.12 | Besuche: 3606

Call for Papers: The Social Contract of Higher Education - 2012 EAIR Forum

Veranstalter: EAIR
Ort: Stavanger
Start: 05.09.12
Ende: 08.09.12


"Next year, the main forum topic will be ‘The social contract of higher education’. With a bit of luck, this will keep you on your toes with excitement and lead to fruitful debates. Although formal can be fun, informal can be even more fun. In next year’s Forum, the Norwegian informal tone combined with the characteristic regional «dugnad» spirit and an extensive social programme will make the EAIR 2012 Forum the perfect place for networking and for building and deepening relationships." (Professor Dr Jan Erik Karlsen, Forum Chair)


The EAIR Forum 2012 Stavanger Programme Committee invites you to submit your proposal for the EAIR 34th Annual Forum, which will take place in Stavanger, Norway at the University of Stavanger from Wednesday 5 September to Saturday 8 September 2012.

Researchers, academics, policy makers, administrators and educators are invited to submit their proposals for a presentation or a poster during the Forum. Each accepted proposal will contribute to one of the seven specific programme tracks which are outlined below.


Overview Tracks:

  • Education as a vehicle of social justice
  • Policy development for knowledge enhancement
  • Higher education in a competitive world
  • Promoting higher education in decades of open access
  • Student experience: Attractive learning and teaching
  • Management and governance: Friend or foe?
  • Institutional research: Measuring effectiveness in higher education



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