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Eingestellt: 19.07.12 | Besuche: 986

Benchmarking in Higher Education

Veranstalter: HIS Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH
Ort: Hannover
Start: 13.09.12
Ende: 14.09.12

Conference Venue

Industrial trade union mining, chemistry, energy (IG BCE - Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie) Königsworther Platz 6, 30159 Hannover, conference room C103

Target Group

Members of the executive board of universities (president, chancellor, vice-chancellor)
Management staff office and administrative staff in the field of strategic higher education management


Host and Contact

The conference is hosted by: HIS Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH. Please direct your questions regarding the conference to:

Dr. Harald Gilch

Tel.: 0511/1220-443 (0160/90624056)
Fax: 0511/1220-439




On the topic of Benchmarking in Higher Education
Benchmarking is an on-going, systematic process for measuring and comparing work processes of one organization to those of another to identify best practices. Higher education can gain much from this technique, as industry has. For several years now this method has become a substantial aspect of modernization and development activities in higher education in Europe.
Recent experience with benchmarking in higher education indicates that benchmarking is a method covering a wider range of process elements and instruments.
Yet the dependency on contextual and organizational conditions often implies a need to adapting the conventional benchmarking process and instruments. The contributed presentations will report on various European benchmarking projects that successfully combine different elements of a benchmarking concept – quantitative indicator oriented aspects as well as qualitative process oriented aspects.
Further the presentations will cover the learning effects of benchmarking, reflecting on actors inside the organizations as well as external supporters of a benchmarking process such as consulting organizations. As the application of benchmarking holds both conceptual and practical difficulties, the contributed presentations will focus on practical guidelines for successful and effective benchmarking processes.

Further Information can be found on the following website:


Conference Fee and Application

Conference fee: 249,90 € per person (incl. tax),
Conference dinner: 50,00 € per person (incl. tax).

To apply, please click on the following link:

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