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Eingestellt: 19.09.24 | Besuche: 557

Assistant Professorship (m/f/d) "Digital Film in an Interarts Context"

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Krankenhagen
Ort: 31141 Hildesheim
Web:… Bewerbungsfrist: 15.11.24


Universität Hildesheim

Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts


The Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture in Faculty 2 – Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication – at the University of Hildesheim – is seeking to fill the following position as of October 1, 2025.


Assistant Professorship (m/f/d)

"Digital Film in an Interarts Context"

(grade W1 NBesO with tenure-track to grade W2 NBesO)


We are inviting applications from candidates with high potential in an early postdoctoral career phase.


The research profile of the University of Hildesheim comprises three fields, in which academics with complementary research interests work across disciplinary boundaries to address social and scientific challenges: "Education and Social Participation", "Aesthetic Practice" and "AI in Everyday Life". The advertised position is located in the field "Aesthetic Practice" and is intended to contribute to its profile. Further information on the research fields and the respective profiles can be found at


In research and in teaching, the position represents an academically and artistically oriented, interdisciplinary perspective on film and the moving image. In addition to the exploration of correspondences between academic and artistic positions, the question of how film and the moving image develop in the context of digital culture and the connections they have with the visual arts, music, theater and literature are of particular importance.


The Assistant Professorship focuses on innovative approaches in research on film and the moving image, intrinsically connected to developments in contemporary digital culture. This also implies that film and the moving image are not only perceived as objects of research, but also as independent means of research and reflection, developed in formats such as essay films, video essays, installations, or music videos. The successful candidate is expected to participate in current and planned research projects both within the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication and within the University of Hildesheim. Cooperation with regional and supra-regional institutions of film development and film education is also desired.


The focus of teaching is on film and the moving image in various BA and MA programs within the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Artistic Practice / and Aesthetic Practice / and Aesthetic Communication, especially in the areas of film and video practice and film and media education.


The official language used in classes and seminars at the University of Hildesheim is German. If you are not yet proficient in German, teaching in English is possible at the start of the employment. This is linked to the requirement that German language skills be developed sufficiently to be able to teach at least practice-related and artistic classes in German by the time of the interim evaluation after three years.



  • M.A. or diploma in one of the following subjects: Visual Communication, Visual Anthropology, Media Design, Film Studies, Media Studies, Film Directing, or in a comparable subject.
  • Special aptitude for in-depth independent academic work, demonstrated by the outstanding quality of a relevant doctorate.
  • Pedagogical and didactic aptitude.
  • Proof of the realization of innovative film and media projects and/or the design of film and moving image-based research work.



  • First publications on topical questions and approaches in innovative film research.
  • Experience in interdisciplinary research contexts and with the acquisition of third-party funding.



A research concept that demonstrates the links between the candidate’s future research activities and the profile field of "Aesthetic Practice" should be submitted with the application.


The recruitment requirements are set out in Section 30 of the Higher Education Act of Lower Saxony (NHG). Assistant professors are employed by the University of Hildesheim Foundation for an initial period of three years. After a successful interim evaluation in accordance with § 30, paragraph 4, sentence 2 NHG, and a positive tenure evaluation after three more years, in accordance with the revised version of the regulations for tenured professorships in the tenure-track program at the University of Hildesheim, and if the general service law requirements are met, the position will be upgraded to a tenured W2 professorship NBesO.


The University of Hildesheim attaches great importance to gender and diversity competence. The candidate’s willingness to further develop the relevant social and leadership skills is a prerequisite.

The University of Hildesheim explicitly promotes gender equality. We aim to increase the proportion of female employees in fields where women are underrepresented. Therefore, female scientists are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications from applicants with severe disabilities will be given preferential consideration if they are equally suitable.


If you have any questions, please contact the Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Krankenhagen at

Please apply before November 15, 2024 using the reference no 2025/5 (english) via the online career portal

This is a translation. The original job posting in German is authoritative and available under

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